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Municipal Utilities and AMR
Municipal Utilities 
Municipal Wireless refers to using thousands of overlapping wireless service zones to provide blanket coverage over a municipal area. In some deployments, service providers have used this to provide "free" basic high-speed wireless Internet access for homes, schools and virtually every other place inside the coverage area of a city, with premium services being offered at better prices than most other Internet providers. In other cases, municipalities have created private networks, or contracted with providers to obtain exclusive access to wireless bandwidth.
Municipal Wireless is most commonly attained by using broadband technologies such as WiFi, Mesh and WiMAX to effectively implement a self-forming, self-healing broadband network. These technologies are combined with strategic applications (mentioned above) to ensure the success of the municipal wireless solution and to provide state and local governments with an effective ROI for their Municipal Wireless initiative. Service providers and technology vendors commonly work together with municipalities to deliver a comprehensive private / public partnership for offering municipal wireless.

Strix Systems products empower in managing hardware, and data collection easy. The products drastically lower the operational cost by automating and enabling high-speed data collection from a wide variety of electronic equipment allowing for faster assimilation and number crunching. Strix Systems products are used for application that involves Automated Meter Reading (AMR). 
The systems are used to connect smart meters and provide one-way communications often replacing manual or drive-by solutions.

Advantages Of Strix Systems
  • Utilization of multiple RF bands (2.4, 4.9 and 5 GHz) enables support for multiple simultaneous applications
  • High Performance security enabled 
  • Easily Deployable 
  • Automatically self configuring, self healing and self tuning 

OWS Outdoor
HSx Hot Zone
MWS Mobile
White Papers
Video Surveillance Mesh
Applications to ROI
Securing Metro-Mesh
A Better Way To Spy
Article: Truly a "No Brainer"
Article: Boost Public Safety
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