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Strix Systems Customer Request
Strix Systems customers are the heart and sole of our business. We take your business seriously and want to provide you with the most innovative, proven and robust technologies to achieve your goals. It's for this reason that we provide this opportunity for you to request the resources you need, whether it's documentation, software, technical knowledge and recommendations, support or customized professional services or a distributor, reseller, integrator or technology solution partner.

Please feel free to contact us directly if you have an immediate need at 1-805-214-1104 or complete the following request form.

Thank you again and we continue to look forward to serving your needs.

[ Fields marked with * are mendatory ]
Please select your request: *

If you selected "other" please indicate how we can assist you:
Which Access/One products do you have?

Full Name: *
Email Address: *
Primary phone number: *
Company Name: *
Company address: *
Country: *
How would you rate your request? *

For verification we need the serial number of at least one of your Strix Access/One devices: *
OWS Outdoor
HSx Hot Zone
MWS Mobile
White Papers
Video Surveillance Mesh
Applications to ROI
Securing Metro-Mesh
A Better Way To Spy
Article: Truly a "No Brainer"
Article: Boost Public Safety
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